Realm of Acian

All about the realm of Acian.


Take a look at all of the characters that are in Decaying Wishes's world.


Relationships of various characters, including romantic and platonic.


Parts from a book titled "Caution of Reapers" by an unknown author.

Written Memories

Mini stories of small events surrounding various characters.

captured memories

Mini tidbits and images of 'captured memories' of various characters.
(Also includes general gallery)


Spotify playlists that I created just for fun relating to Decaying Wishes.

About the creator

Introduction of the creator of "Decaying Wishes".

Captured Memories

General Gallery

Realm of Acian

Acian is a fantastical realm with magic, monsters, Gods and Goddesses, and much more.There are a total of 5 continents. Each hold their own set of territories.
The larger cities have more technological advances compared to the smaller towns and villages. And they have more accessibility for those of non-human traits. These cities also have access to portals/warps to travel between, though only these large cities.It holds many races and creatures of all types which help form its land. Though it has its own term for "Heaven and Hell" called Ernisia, stemming from the sister realm of Acian, Aternis.There is quite an issue between humans and nonhumans, with some places only allowing humans. And even though there are humans with the ability to use magic/mana, sometimes they are not allowed as well.While it has its technological advances, most of it is charged through energy stones that can be easily drained with specific spells.Despite there being vehicles, the smaller towns and villages still use carriages and large animals for travel.There is an universal language referred as común/common. There's a story that tells how the first of each race had worked together to create a language so they held shared bond. Of course, each race still has their own languages, but común/common is used mostly, especially in larger towns and cities.


Aternis is the small sister realm of Acian. It's normally considered its own continent instead of a realm.There are two general territories within it, Supra (Above) and Infra (Below), that are referred to. This is where demons, the dead, most monsters (such as orcs), born and summoned reapers mainly call home. There are human populations in Aternis, but they are not 'true' beings of Atenis. Though Aternis-Supra is more well regarded than Aternis-Infra. Other names for these territories would be Supranis and Infranis.Portals to Aternis are usually well-known, but more often than not, heavily regulated, especially Aternis-Infra.Rumors have it that there is a syndicate that is planning to take over the entirety of Aternis and possibly Acian. Many say that there may be a war brewing.

Grimsoul Árbol

Grimsoul Árbol is a tree that grows between Supra and Infra, it is neutral ground and holds a special part in the culture of reapers. It weeps blood, which is purified.Usually when one is born or summoned, they are taken to the tree to get their first taste of blood and give their own in return. Though most summoned reapers don't know and end up not doing so which leads to them being considered 'inferior' to born reapers.It's roots grow all across Aternis and some are used as portals to Acian.Some of the blood from the tree is bottled and sold. Though only the blood that seeps from the roots, not the leaves.Inside the tree is the hearts of all of the first reapers, The Grim. It's unsure what will happen if the hearts are removed.

Flora & Fauna

A list of the flora and fauna that is native to Acian.❥ Taurline
A taurline is a large mammalian creature of Acian. The best way to describe them would be a bull-feline hybrid. They specially live in large open spaces and roam in 'prides', much similar to lions.
Despite being carnivores, they are unlikely to attack humans/beastfolk unless they are attacked first or if their young are nearby. Both males and females have horns and tusks, but the males have four, two bull-like horns behind their ears and two forward facing in front of their ears, alongside longer tusks. The females only have two horns more similar to a rams curled horns and their tusks are shorter. Sometimes they are used as draft animals.


Tsusa is the merfolk kingdom. There's no real territory as there are merfolk scattered around the oceans surrounding the lands.Despite not having their own territory apart from where their kingdom lies, the king and queen within the waters surrounding the continent of Tirosa do participate in the meetings where all of the respective leaders of the territories meet. Though this is more out concern for those that directly associate themselves with Tsusa.When they host, there is a large open underwater cavern that they use.

The Endless

The Endless is a realm between realms. It's where many believe that the Gods reside and others believe it's where death truly leads to.It's true physical look is unknown, but any who enter seem to come across either a place of their dreams or strongest memories in a world full of a blank space.For reapers, it can host limbos that are cared for by Keepers.And true to it's name, it really is endless.


Within Acian, there are various races of all sorts living in the realm.Humans (Non-Magic and Magic Users)
Híbridana / Hybrid-Shifter
Nagas (A sub-type of taurfolk)
Merfolk (A sub-type of taurfolk)
Avianas (A sub-type of taurfolk)
Híbridanas, better known as Hybrid-Shifters are different from Were-Folk, and are considered more as Beastfolk instead. Unlike Were-Folk, they can shift specific parts of their bodies, such as arms and legs, to their specific animal type, the more common type being mammals, and again unlike were-folk, they cannot do a full-body (two-legged) shift, yet they can shift into a large beastlike version of their animal type, though it's rather rare to happen upon their own accord. Though they mainly have their ears and tails usually seen, they can be see with pointed ears, thus leaving them sometimes to be mistaken as a different race. The only clear sign that one is a híbridana is that they typically have markings similar to their animal type somewhere on their body alongside partial shifts of their arms and legs, with some being easier to hide than others. They don't have control over their shift when emotions run extremely high. Unfortunately, this usually causes them to be more discriminated against as they are seen as emotional ticking time-bombs or neither human nor beast. It's common for them to drink blood, even the herbivore types.Were-Folk have two types. Full Type or Monstrous type. Full type is where they shift into a larger, more beastly version of their specific animal. Monstrous type is when they shift into a more humanoid beast-like version of their animal. They typically have specific times when they can shift. Most common cases would be full-moon or even just nights in general. Though they can use charms to help shift freely.Taurfolk is a general term as nagas, avianas, and even merfolk, fall under it. Though they are specified as their own sub-type due to the diversity of taurfolk. In this case, when referring to taurfolk, it's centaurs and such. It's rather diverse in terms of looks and sometimes even height, ranging from humanly to animalistic. More specifically, being practically human in their top half or having more animalistic traits in their top half. It's not uncommon to come across some taurfolk with extra limbs, as it's sometimes to help support their weight, such as rabbit/bunny taurfolk having another pair of legs between their front and back legs. In terms of height, some rabbit/bunny taurfolk can be the around the same height as a human, but rodent related and other small mammal taurs tend to be within Seros due to their height. Sometimes taurfolk use glamor charms to change their form, but many frown upon this.There is a sub-catergory of taurfolk that prefer the term, Avianas, as they are the only ones with wings and that can fly with ease.In terms of genetics, beastfolk/híbridanas have a bit more 'freedom' as it's common for children to share traits of both parents even if parents are completely different. Taurfolk don't have as much 'freedom' if their parents are different subtypes. In this case, the child will retain one of the parents subtype. An example of this would be a horse and deer taurfolk and the child inherits the deer half, though they may retain their other parents fur color or human traits depending where they land on that spectrum. And there are three general ear types for taurfolk; human, pointed, and animalistic. It's common for the child of a couple who has human and animalistic ears to have pointed ears instead of one or the other.

Sanctum of Inero & Currency

The Sanctum of Inero used to be a place of worship for the God of currency before being a place that keeps track of all of Acian's currency. They hold no judgement between the rich and poor.They, in fact, have pouches whose fabric is enchanted to hold up to 500 coins before it starts to weigh heavy, before then it's about one to two pounds when decently filled. It's bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. In the early days, they were given for free, but now they cost at least five times worth of the respective currency of the buyer's residence.
Though, while they have banks of their own for others to use, they have no control over the more private banks.
-- Continent of Tirosa --Their own currency is referred as 'sidian/s' and used in Cantaruña, Khane, Roanne, and Athines. Sometimes on occasion, Destil uses the mano/s system.1 sidian- Full copper coin, no ring
2 sidians - Obsidian ring around copper center
5 sidians - Obsidian ring around silver center
10 sidians - Obsidian ring around gold center
100 sidians - Gold ring around obsidian center
10000 sidians - Platinum ring around obsidian center (These are rarely ever used by commoners)
In Seros, they use delicately engraved silvers with a different gem in each center. They are referred as ojas. There is no equivalent for platinum. It's exchange rate is 1 to 3.In Destil, they use barter/trade mostly, but they do use common gems, such as rubies, emeralds, and amethyst, but copper, silver, gold, and platinum, are used just as much for simplicity sake, but they are referred as stones instead and the exchange rate out of Destil is about 1/2 stone to one sidian.In Vlamoria and Illunaria, they use a similar system of sidians, but refer to them as colmillo/s. They are carved bones shaped like fangs where the tips are dipped in cooper, bronze, silver, and gold. There is no equivalent for platinum. The exchange rate is 1 to 1.Some shops tend to accept the currency of other territories and continents, but more often than not, they have to be exchanged.


Deidads are beings quite similar to Gods, more specifically demi-gods.
Many believe that they are vassals, or even descendants of the Gods. The Gods themselves, don't have true physical forms, so they tend to pick a body to that will host their energy... Sometimes those bodies do not live afterwards.
Most Gods have at least one Deidad and most Deidad's have their own temples.Listed below are some of the more commonly known Deidads and their concepts. Including ones that they share if there are other names listed.Deidad of Ruina - Runos, Uera
- God : Fumaris
- Ruination, War, Alcohol
Deidad of Caza - Vail, Zaion,
- God : Inos
- Hunt, Animals, Distrust
Deidad of Mente - Oris
- God : Nevania
- Mind, Knowledge, Protection
- Oris is the twin of Myris
Deidad of Escudo - Myris
- God : Avinis
- Shield, Protection, Strength
- Myris is the twin of Oris
Deidad of Nutrir - Secha, Amos
- God : Milia
- Nurture, Family, Harvest
Deidad of Alegría - Kassia, Syros
- God : Gría
- Joy, Children, Hope
Deidad of Belleza - Aztia, Miars
- God : Ricanar
- Beauty, Wealth, Love
Deidad of Ley - Destia
- God : Sethos
- Law, Justice, Trust
Deidad of Esencia ( Also referred as Deidad of Endings and/or Deidad of Beginnings) - UNKNOWN
- God : Itotia
- Essence, Life, Death


Within the realm of Acian, there are a total of four continents.
Each continent has their own set of territories, but Tirosa has the most amount of territories.As of currently, the story is set within the Tirosa territory, with some mentions of other territories in the other continents.

Tirosa Territories

Moonless Market

The Moonless Market, is essentially a traveling black market. Each continent has their own Moonless Market.From banned goods to slaves, one can practically find anything at a Moonless Market.


Memoria Crystals - These crystals capture essentially 'memories', moments in time, much like a film camera. In order to capture anything, it must be activated with the water of the caves they came from. From the moment the water hits it to the moment the water hits it again is the moment recorded into the crystal. The crystals react to flame afterwards, either showing a flat look on a wall or screen, or can be fragmented apart to showcase a more three-dimensional viewing. Though all pieces are required for it to be viewed properly, otherwise parts of the filmed moment becomes fragmented. To clear a memory from a crystal is simply not done.Glamor Charms - These are powerful charms that can change ones form completely. They are essentially banned, but there is a weaker version that is available. The weaker version is more commonly used with those that are inhuman, but many tend to look down on that.Mana Crystals - These are crystals that can hold magic within them. It's more common for these to be used in machinery. But those that cannot utilize their own mana tend to use mana stones. Though these are very expensive.


Cantaruña was known in the past as a rather large empty territory, a land with no name, a land of ruin, yet was still known as a place of escape for many. It currently holds a rather diverse population, though taurfolk tend to remain in the smaller towns and villages due to their own concerns of space and crowds.It had no capital until Monarca came to be. Now it holds the youngest and fastest growing capital."Let's sing the song of runes and ruin!” - A common chant that is used in many situations; drinking, battles, arena fights, festivals, etc. There are varied versions referencing runes and ruin to fit with specific situations such as; "I greet the one who sings the runes and ruin." “May the runes of ruin guide you safely.” "By the runes of the ruined."


Each of it's larger villages/towns/cities councils generally send a representative, typically the head of the village/town/city, for a monthly meeting with the high council in Monarca; Olivette Lilion, Halcón "Pops" REDACTED Alejo, Jacinto "Soda", Kalila Raik Tash, and Teyauh REDACTED Ruña.The high council are referred by the titles of Don (Mr), Doña (Ms/Mrs), and Doñe (Mx.) before their surname. In meetings with a public audience, they usually switch who leads the meeting and the one that leads the meeting is usually in the middle.Children/protégé that are considered named heir to a seat are referred as 'Young' with their respective title then surname; Young Don/Doña/Doñe (SURNAME). Any others would be referred as 'Young Master/Madam'. If they join in the monthly meetings, they sit behind their parent/guardian, but only those that have debuted and named heir to the seat can participate in the meeting and change their seating arrangement to match their respective seat. Sometimes the children of the high council are referred as Prince/Princess/Princette and the adults as highness or King/Queen/Majesty outside of Cantaruña.Other than that, the high society of Cantaruña follow the title order of Don/Doña/Doñe as the highest in ranking followed by Duque/Duquesa (Duke/Duchess), Marqués/Marquesa (Marquess/Marchioness), Conde/ Condesa (Earl/Countess), Vizconde/Vizcondesa (Viscount/Viscountess), and Barón/Baronesa (Baron/Baroness). Children of those that hold these titles are also referred as 'Young Lord/Lady'.In Cantaruña, the children of the 'higher class' debut at the age of 15. They'll start the process of properly learning their respective roles or family's business, such as given something small for them to be responsible for that will grow with them. Or they will be married off for political/business reasons.


Monarca is a rather large 'village', though more of a city now, within Cantaruña as it's capital. It's been known to be rather accepting for all races of Acian. Though despite the fact that mainly large cities have portals, Monarca has none within it's borders. Instead it is it's own outpost not far from the city.It's history is dark as it's been through many traumas, one being it and its residents being set aflame by some unknown cause. Though even before the fire, it had no name until Pops had given it the name, Monarca. It's run by a council that meets at the end of every week and holds a larger meeting with the other villages, towns, and cities of Cantaruña.Due to the fact that the members of the high council are considered royalty by the other territories, or at least by their own leaders, there are galas that are hosted at the main villa, though each 'family' of the high council owns their own home. They don't usually wear crowns, only for special occasions.Olivette Passe Lilion and Antonio Seda Lilion living in a grand villa with a clear view of the abbey as they also stay there from time to time. They are in the east of Monarca.Dr. Kalila Raik Tash and her family living in a grand villa close to the main hospital. They are in the west of Monarca.Halcón "Pops" REDACTED Alejo, Jacinto "Soda", & Teyauh REDACTED Ruña live in a grand villa close to the dormitory of the army, though Halcón and Jacinto can be seen more at "By Hand & Tusk" which is closer to the central area of Monarca. They are in the south of Monarca.Teyauh REDACTED Ruña also stays in the grand villa of Cantaruña. This villa is shared between all of the families of the high council as it also hosts the council meetings. They are in the north of Monarca.Though some of the members seem to be rather short with some members of the smaller councils during events and other nobility.

Monarca's Abbey

Despite Cantaruña having a few small churches littered about, there is an abbey with a larger cathedral on Monarca's outskirts that many go to. It homes many of holy faith, including the High Priestess, Olivette Lilion, and her charge, Antonio Seda Lilion. Though they do have their own home within Monarca itself, though it holds a perfect view of the cathedral.It's common for the inns of Monarca to refer travelers to the abbey when they have no rooms available.Unlike other territories and churches, all of the churches in Cantaruña lets those of holy faith freely change which God and/or Deidad they wish to follow. Though once someone tries to turn th

Monarca's Outpost

As with most capital cities, they have a portal that is used for travel between them. But this portal does not lay within the borders of the city.Monarca's portal lays outside it's city border. It's become an outpost for some it's imported goods as it has a market.

Academia de Monarca

Academia de Monarca is the largest academy in Cantaruña. It was built around the same time Monarca started to grow in size. Now it's known as one of the best academies in Tirosa, alongside Khane Academy and Wildefaire School.Though unlike those two academies, Academia de Monarca accepts students of all backgrounds, not just nobility or high ranking. Of course, this doesn't stop bullying of those with poorer/weaker backgrounds, but the school refuses to take it lightly and most students are expelled with no chance of being allowed to return after a third/fifth mark.From ages 13 to 18, students are taught an array of subjects, where some students prioritize more than others.In terms of sports, one of it's most popular is ulama, which has various versions that are played. Thus different groups of students as its teams.It's located not far from Cantaruña, and offers students accommodations or portal scrolls.

By Hand & Tusk

By Hand & Tusk is a tavern that doubles as a blacksmith. It's run by Pops and Soda.It used to be the only blacksmith and tavern in Monarca, but as the village grew into the city it is now, it's now mainly used for personal work and on occasion commissions.As of now, it's tavern remains popular. It mainly houses Pops and Soda, but on occasion, Teyauh, when they are not staying in the grand villas.


The subterrán is the underground of Monarca. It's usually used for the rooms to interrogate enemies.Rumors have it that if a prisoner is sent to the subterrán, they are to never be seen again.


Cemeteries in Cantaruña are quite colorful and more "grand" compared to the cemeteries of other territories. Some cemeteries are actually quite away from some towns due to how large they can be.It's quite common for them to be completely decorated for festivals and holidays and many families come to take a day every now and then to clean the gravestones/tombs.


Cantaruña has a different approach to their army. Instead of having a headquarters, where guards both train and live at, the guards are sent back to their homes to form a squad there after training and graduation. Though of course, there is still a headquarters, but it's more of a common dormitory than a grand building.Though there is a specialty guard within their army, or better known as the High Guard, called 'Fantasmas" and they stay within Monarca even after training.They are also known as the only army with a separate force of solely reapers called 'Sombras'. These ones are usually led by titled reapers, including Teyauh, who has handpicked this force. This force is used specifically for reconnaissance and secret missions.

Noteable Characters

Teyauh REDACTED Ruña - Jaguar Híbridana, Reaper
Halcón "Pops" REDACTED Alejo - Human
Jacinto "Soda" - Boar Beastman
Olivette Passe Lilion - Human, High Priestess, adoptive mother of Antonio
Kalila Raik Tash - Taurfolk (Musk Deer), Head Doctor
Antonio Seda Lilion - Human, reaper, adoptive son of Olivette
Lysander Tash - Taurfolk (Horse - Shire), Kalila's husband
Cillian Raik Tash - Taurfolk (Horse - Shire), Kalila's and Lysander's eldest son
Ramzi & Adil Raik Tash - Taurfolk (Musk Deer), Twins, Kalila's and Lysander's middle sons
Laila Raik Tash - Taurfolk (Horse - Shire), Kalila's and Lysander's youngest daughter
Alen Reyfir - Elf, Glassblower, Marqués
Imra Reyfir - Elf, Glassblower, Marquesa
Briony Reyfir - Elf, Glassblower Apprentice
Zirion Azure - Half-Orc (Human/Orc), Personal Guard of Antonio


Khane is known for it's rather large army and strict law. Despite being a monarchy, it seems that the crown prince does more than the king and queen. Though his older sister seems to disagree.Out of all the territories, it has the largest human population.Unfortunately, it also has a large portion of slaves as it's a common punishment for various crimes. And they still host coliseum battles via volunteers and slavery.


There is no copies of the seal. In fact, the original lies behind the throne.It's both shield and holds the crown of the first king, which is used for important ceremonies. Aside the basics of a large gem and leaves, its main symbol represents the Gods and Deidads relating around justice and law.Not much is to be said about it, many outside of Khane find it rather simple and lacking a story.

Khane City

One of the most well-known cities of Acian within the Khane territory. Its church, and kingdom are well-respected. Following the words of the Deidad of Ley, Destia, the city of Khane is very heavy on its laws. The king of Khane does not participate in the court, though his daughter, the princess, does.Much like the other larger cities, they are more well-off in terms of technological advances, making well use of enhanced crystals to power mechanic beings or vehicles.

Church of Destia

Despite other territories referring to Deidad's name followed by their title or following their title, Khane and it's church ignores that.This is what gives the rumors that Khane and it's church disrespects it's Deidad and by default, it's God.Priests and Priestess within Khane have specific guidelines to follow. Must wear whites or greys, priestesses are to wear dresses (even when out casually), they are to prioritize humans over non-humans, they are to only use the staff given to them.Though other rumors have it that they have twisted the words of Destia, instead choosing to manipulate the deidad's word for their own greed.All priests and priestesses know all types of elemental magic, but some specialize specific types. In this case, Khane specializes in light/holy magic.

Pinefell Village

Pinefell is a small human village in Khane. It was the home of Antonio until the village turned on him after a false prophet came to them.Though mysteriously, trade in the village seems to have gone down, the health of the village went down as well, and all alongside a sudden fear of reapers.

The Paradise Coliseum

The Paradise Coliseum was Khane's largest most popular coliseum. Though since Jacinto "Soda"s 'rampage', it has since been closed.


Khane, out of all the territories, has the largest army of all. It's headquarters lies simply in Khane City.It's quite strict on it's training and it doesn't leave much for their soldiers to see their families and loved ones.

Noteable Characters

None listed currently.


Leódad is known for it's population of beastfolk, híbridanas, and most werefolk and taurfolk. Instead of a kingdom, it's referred as grand clan with minor clans scattered around, yet they still follow the title system of a monarchy.The reason of it being referred as a grand clan is due to that a majority of beastfolk, híbridanas, werefolk, and taurfolk are mainly nomadic. This is due to that many came over the borders of other continents.The current king of beastfolk and híbridanas, Alpine Darche, a lion beastman.Despite it's name, it's first king was in fact a wolf. He named the territory after his friend who died in battle.It was decided that the grand clan would be decided upon a fight, but a majority of the clans must agree to the fight or there will be none.

Sauveil City

Sauveil is the capital city of Leódad. King Darche resides in the castle that lays in the middle of the city.It's to be know that it's quite popular for its festivals.

Zatavia City

Zatavia city lies on the border between Leódad and Cantaruña.King Darche's younger sister, a lioness, Duchess Hélène Darche lives in the city. Her step-son, a liger beastman, the marquess, Alvar lives in a different manor within the city.


Leódad's army is quite basic, but has the most skilled guards.This is due to the diverse amount of beastfolk and taurfolk. They essentially have all three areas of battle secured if they were to ever go to war, from water, to land, and air.

Notable Characters

King Alpine Darche - Lion beastman, older brother of Hélène Darche
Duchess Hélène Darche - Lion beast woman, younger sister of Alpine Darche
Marquess Alvar - Liger beastman, step-son of Hélène Darche
Virupa Amin - Tiger beastman, escorts the deliveries for his mother's spice shop; Silent Petals. By Hand and Tusk is a common client.


Seros is known for its fae-wild nature. Elves, faires, orcs, and most other magical beings come from here. Though the land is split between the continents of Tirosa and Ostira via a large ravine which was believed to be from an old war between elves and orcs.It shares two main kingdoms, Nelannas, the elf kingdom and Wildecall, the fairy kingdom.Faefolk and fairies typically don't have surnames. It's the ones outside of Seros that have decided to take upon surnames, which also includes those that have moved away.


The crest lies within the giant tree and was agreed upon by the folk of Seros, not just the two kingdoms.It splits into a bow, a sword, and shield. The leaves never decay on the seal and are quite similar to the wings of a fairy in terms of placement.The gems hold the life essence that stems from the tree.


Elves that live within Nelannas are generally quite elitist, sticking to their own and usually invite guests outside to only show off.One thing they are quite famous for is their enchanted stained glass. This glass can change by itself as long as there is the base image it began as. Though it stops changing once the one in the glass has perished.


Despite most faries and faefolk being known for their tricks, those within Wildecall are rather more tame.The Monarch's name is Aeden. They're currently the 'youngest' monarch in Wildecall's time.The fairy kingdom and it's villages are usually hidden within a glamour from human's sight.


Due to there being two primary kingdoms, there are two separate army's.Nelannas's army are highly skilled with both blade and bow, and they excel in combat within forests. They are the most disciplined.Wildecall's army, despite it's guards having the smallest forms, are quite formidable. They are able to use much more magic/mana than the other armys. Though, they do prefer to stay out of wars and battles when they can.

Noteable Characters

Aeden - Fairy, Monarch of Wildecall


Athines holds the highest population of winged beings, some of which being taurfolk by the name of Avianas. There are a few smaller villages on the island below.They normally used winged beasts to travel instead of using their wings, as to save their strength for when they do need their wings.It used to go by a different name, but that has been lost to time.


Athines' is simple, but holds much meaning to the people. The two sets of wings are to represent those that can fly and those that cannot, showcasing that they are still the same. Though it's common enough to still see discrimination between those that can fly and those that can't.It's original lies safely in the city of Nova MammatusAccording to rumors, it does turn into a weapon like some of the other seals, but it's mainly believed that it is what keeps Nova Mammatus and the other sky islands of Athines in the sky.

Nova Mammatus

Nova Mammatus is the capital of Athines. It's a kingdom above the clouds, more specifically mammatus clouds. It stemmed from the crater of the island below.


Fangyi is a small city on one of the islands surrounding Nova Mammatus. It's quite popular and known for it's extravagant shows that showcase the use of their wings.


Athines' army has the largest advantage in the sky. But, it does have simple skills when it comes to land and water.It separate it's army into two, the heavy formidable guards that have flight and the basic guards that cannot fly.They prefer polearms over other blades and ranged weapons as it's a decent mix between the two.

Noteable Characters

None listed currently.


Destil is a territory that is primary a mountain range. More specifically, the Golden Heights, which separates the continents of Tirosa from Ostira.It's home to dwarven folk and some select taurfolk, such as nagas.It's current king is Ginic Ironthane.
The late queen is Bemrabell Ironthane.
It's dwarven army is referred as "The Valorous Forged".


Destil's seal was forged by the first of the dwarves. It was used as a sign of peace between the dwarves and the other begins that lived within the territory.It can split apart to turn to either a polearm or an axe. It was agreed that it was safest with the dwarves in oldest caves of the mountains. There are no copies of it, but many hold use the small center design as a crest.

Bel Badir

Bel Badir is Destil's capital and it where a majority of weapons and tools are exported from.And true to it's namesake, Badir Ironthane, the first dwarf king, there is a large bell within the center of the capital.


Destil's army is quite dangerous all around, as they have knowledge to forge the best of ores for their weaponry.There are some taurfolk scattered within their army that typically work in a pair with a dwarf.Despite being primarily in a mountain range, the army knows their way around many types of land. They only truly lack in fighting in the air, but they do have weaponry to take down most opposing forces in the air.

Noteable Characters

Ginic Ironthane - Dwarf, King of Destil
Bemrabell Ironthane - Dwarf, Late Queen of Destil


Vlamoria is the land of vampires. It's a respectable land, that is of course, only half of it is respectable. There are two kingdoms, one for those can only walk in the dark, Hodatinoć, and one for those that can walk during the day, Hodatidan.It's land is covered mostly in a dark cloud, blocking the sun for most of it's territory, though nightwalkers tend to still use some form of cover during the day as it only slows the process of burning.Though these two are constantly at each others necks, one preferring a more peaceful treaty and the other wishing full control and more. This usually involves some war that has constant ceasefires.Most humans within Vlamoria live on the Hodatidan's side, and those that live on Hodatinoć's side usually lock up their homes during the night in fear that they will be taken. Though when asked why won't they just move, they grow silent.


Legend has it there was two seals, each representing the respective sides. Though there has only ever seen to be one.This seal, is sharp, much like the minds of the vampires. The wings can be removed, turning into styled blades. And much like the original, even its copies use crystals filled with the blood of the first vampires.Inside the seal, it holds an enchanted glass that was one done to reveal vampires, either born or bitten. Rumors have it that it also acts as some sort of 'seeing' glass.


"Dracula" is a legendary sword that uses blood to give it's user an ability to manipulate blood. More blood, the stronger the power. In the legend, many were sacrificed so the user would not die when giving their own blood.Though as of currently, it remains as a legend as no one has seen it in years. It is believed that the Hodatidan kingdom has it hidden in the catacombs below the castle.


The kingdom that can walk in the day and night. They are generally referred as daywalkers.


The kingdom that can walk only walk night. They are generally referred as nightwalkers.


As with two kingdoms, there are two army's of Vlamoria, but both are highly formidable in the night and dark.Though out of the two, Hodatidan is the only one that includes dhampirs and non-vampires in its forces. Hodatinoć refuses to let any non-vampire, even dhampirs, allowed in their forces.Their armor usually includes charms to help them survive if they have to fight during the day.

Noteable Characters

None listed currently.


The direct neighbor of Vlamoria. Illunaria is home to werefolk, though much like Leódad, it's run by a grand clan instead.The grand pack is led by Osian.There is no named kingdom, just a large encampment. Though when they do participate amongst the other kingdoms in the meetings and are the ones hosting, it's on Winter Hallow Ledge.


It's seal looks as if there is another part to it, creating a full image of a wolf. The curved top seems to frame a view of the moon when full.Parts of it is carved from the stone of Winter Hallow Ledge and the other parts were carved from some of the bones of the first werefolk. Fangs of the first werefolk have been added to it.

Winter Hallow Ledge

Winter Hallow Ledge is set beneath a cliff that overlooks a lake. It's the common place for Osian's pack to host meetings with other packs and outside kingdoms.


Illunaria doesn't have a true army, more of a warrior pack that will defend as needed. They typically don't use weaponry as they can just shift using special charms to fight instead.

Noteable Characters

Osian - Werefolk (Wolf)


Roanne, much like Khane, is primarily human, but unlike Khane is a tad more accepting of non-humans. It's common to come across some non-human helping out on the docks, especially those of water-related traits.It's quite known for it's sea/water related imports, such as fish, plants, and pearls - More specifically it's enchanted pearls.


Roanne's seal is quite literally based on the shape of a horseshoe crab.There is detailing carved into seal to mimic waves of the water and two swordfish, a well-respected fish within the territory.While lacking in colors, it's common to see pearls embedded into it and it's duplicates.The original seal lies within an underwater cave that is primarily inaccessible by normal means. Though it's believed that there is way that the royal family can access.Its understood that it represents a shield while remaining sharp on its edges that can be used like an arm blade.


Séyar is the capital city of Roanne. It's castle lies on the edge of the edge of a cliff looking out to the ocean.It's known for it's excellent textiles and jewelry.


Laofrine is a small city within Roanne. It is the childhood home of Olivette.Currently, a majority of Olivette's family lives here. Soliel, Olivette's mother, used to be one of the best ballerinas in the city before her accident. Antoine, her father, is known for his lacework that he learned from his own grandmother and mother. He runs a tailoring shop.


Roanne is more known for it's naval army. Out of the territories, it's considered the second best at fighting on the sea.

Noteable Characters

None listed currently.


Teyauh REDACTED Ruña

aliases: Marigold Reaper, Marigold, Tey, Doñe Teyauh/Ruña, REDACTED
species: Híbridana (Jaguar)
gender: Genderfluid
birthday: February 25th
role: Born Reaper, Mercenary, Doñe of Cantaruña, REDACTED
home: Unknown, Aternis (Infra), Monarca - Cantaruña
abilities: Fire creation/manipulation, Obsidian Creation/Manipulation, Marigold Creation/Manipulation, Reaping Prowess, Feral Mind (Little control over), Boxing/Kickboxing, REDACTED
scythe: Macuahuitl
weapons: Spear, Bows/Crossbows, Daggers, Firearms

Teyauh is rather friendly and fun-loving the majority of the time. They can get curious about things, which usually, in turn, causes a bit of mayhem, leaving them to run to their friends to 'share the fun'. But, despite their friendly approach, if anyone threatens those they care about, they will become extremely hostile, sometimes bordering on 'feral mind' and reaper state. They tend to hide their face with their mask as they can get quite emotional at times and it's easily shown on their face, though this is primarily outside of Monarca. They do try to hide their more harsher side when they can.Let it be known that while most of their abilities do connect to Reaping Prowess, the ones directly listed are what they excel at mainly. And despite their range of abilities, they can easily lose control or weaken themselves greatly. They prefer not to change their forms, apart from perhaps changing to have more masculine-like traits, despite their height and weight remaining the same. And as a híbridana, it's common to see them accidentally shift an arm when emotions run high, though unlike most híbridana's, they don't like having their traits show often.They earned their title, Marigold Reaper, shortly after their first death. Though it was their first death as a reaper, they experienced 'renovamen', and had lost their memories leading up to their death and large chunks of their before. It's not uncommon for them to have headaches or get sick when blurry memories arise as happens with most reapers. As of currently, as a reaper, and not including their renovamen, they have a total of four deaths.Their calvera is usually hidden away unless they truly feel that they need it visible. It's decorated with marigolds and pieces of gold.Rumors have it that they tend to visit their grave from time to time, touching the clearly broken out middle part of their engraved name. Though they aren't the one that keeps it relatively cared for.Aside from being a Doñe Ruña, they are more involved with Monarca & Cantaruña's affairs than they seem. They help train and order the reapers that have joined Cantaruña's guard and they have their own handpicked guard under their direct command.In terms of strength, they're actually weaker than a majority of the titled reapers, especially born reapers despite being one themselves, so what they lack in strength they excel in speed, agility, and strategy. This has been shown when they have participated in a war as one of the youngest generals. But they try not to use 'feral mind' as much due to them lacking proper control over it and fear that they may hurt a loved one. Jacinto has been helping them with it alongside a few others.They have three large jaguar beasts by the names of Armonía (The oldest), Paz and Caos (The twins). On the council, they are the youngest member and represent the souls and spirits of Monarca City and Cantaruña.

❥ Funny enough, their marigold crown usually does get in the way of their ears, thus switching to a sole flower by their ear
❥ Struggles to make portals to Aternis despite being a born reaper
❥ Doesn't remember their last name, thus it was Halcón's idea to use Ruña
❥ Has only managed to beat Soda once
❥ Their híbridana (jaguar) markings are on their right shoulder and down their spine to where their tail meets their body

Halcón "Pops" REDACTED Alejo

aliases: Pop, Pops, Veil (former), Hal, Halcón, Don Halcón/Alejo
species: Human
gender: Male
birthday: July 31st
role: Bounty Hunter (former), Mercenary (former), Commander of Cantaruña's Army, Bartender/Chef, Don of Cantaruña
home: Unknown - Unknown (Former), Monarca - Cantaruña
abilities: Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Swordsmanship, various types of martial arts
weapons: Battle-Hammer, Sword/Shield

Pops is a rather odd, kind, playful man. Not much is known about his history, aside from being a mercenary, becoming friends with Soda, and being the founder of Monarca. He tends to joke more often than not, though this seems to be more of him gauging the mood of whoever he is speaking to, so he can adjust his manner of speaking when needed. Though as much as he does love to appear more playful and careless, he is rather ruthless and harsh when he has to be.He's seen as a doting uncle or father to many folks in the village. He especially loves spoiling the children of the village, though this usually ends with him being scolded right in the middle of his shop, "By Hand & Tusk", by the guardians of the children when he spoils them just a bit too much. When he isn't at the shop, he handles his role of commander of Cantaruña's army, and more specifically in charge of the Fantasmas. This is where his more stern and rougher side comes out, gaining the well-deserved respect of the guard.At some point before founding Monarca, he had settled down for a few years, though the reason unknown. His claim is that he had something more to live for.During then, he came across a large arena, bloodied from slaughter, and found a beastman, Jacinto, sitting against a wall in a cell. He became friends with him after much pestering, even giving him a matching nickname of Soda. The two properly came into mercenary work until properly settling in where Monarca now is. In fact, it was solely him, Soda, and Teyauh that founded Monarca.He likes to joke that he and Soda are a married couple, much to Soda's annoyance. Pops gets death threats from Soda daily because of it. Though he seems to still be alive despite all the jokes. He knows that Soda would never harm him for such things. (Physically at least...) He does have someone that he was interested in, but this was before he met Soda and does wish to see them again.At some point, he was helping figure out safer trade routes and came across an injured falcon and decided to take it in. He named him 'Fizz' since he reminded him of his old falcon, Nana.On the council, he represents the humans and army of Monarca City and Cantaruña, more specifically the defensives.

❥ The only person that knows about his complete past is Soda
❥ Picked up on calling Teyuah, 'Cub', though he tends to call them 'Kiddo' more.
❥ Is surprisingly adept with a bow
❥ Sometimes can be seen having a few drinks during the middle of the night

Jacinto "Soda"

aliases: Soda, Cinto, Graves (former), Don Jacinto
species: Beastman - Boar
gender: Male
birthday: September 2nd
role: Labor Slave (former), Gladiator (former), Mercenary (former), Commander of Cantaruña's Army, Bartender/Chef, Don of Cantaruña
home: Zapatosa Village - Leódad (Former), The Paradise Coliseum - Khane (Former), Monarca - Cantaruña
abilities: Supernatural Senses, Supernatural Strength, Feral Mind, various types of martial arts
weapons: Claymore, Battle-Axe

Soda is a quiet boar beastman. He can talk, but prefers to not speak. He's rather aloof and tries not to seem intimidating, but usually fails to do so when he travels outside Cantaruña. He is protective of those he cares about and usually falls to feral tendencies in extreme situations. Soda tends to be rather stern in his words more often than not, though he has proven to be softer on children.Being born in Zapatosa Village, he lived peacefully in his nomadic tribe that at the time, become a patrol captain at the age of eighteen, until they were raided by humans and were taken as slaves for labor work in Khane. Due to him fighting back at some point during his slavery, he was turned into some sort of gladiator in Khane.When he was sent to fight a child, he finally snapped and slaughtered many of the viewers and supporters of the arena, though any children there were spared and sent away. After sending the victims of the arena off to safety after the fact, he settled in a cell to stay in, only to be pestered by Pops when he arrived a few days, and finally became friends with the man. He can be seen either at "By Hand & Tusk", or in the fields, helping the farmers with their harvest, or in the 'castle' of Monarca. Due to his constant help, many of the villagers got together to get him a high-end glamour charm that gave him a more 'human' look so he could go to places where beast-folk are generally not allowed to be in. He doesn't like the idea of hiding his true form, but does understand the worries of the villagers.Soda rather dislikes when Pops tends to joke about them being a married couple. He has stated before "I pity the fool who will marry that man. He is a menace to everything around him. I am about to tear his throat out." Though he never does go through with his death threats and is really quite fond of his human friend.On the council, he represents the inhuman inhabitants and army of Monarca City and Cantaruña, more specifically the offensives.

❥ His parents were well respected in the tribe
❥ He's allergic to coconuts
❥ His favorite food is a sopapillas with black sapote sauce
❥ Refers to Teyauh as cub more often than they'd prefer

Olivette Passe Lilion

aliases: High Priestess, Lili, Olive, Lion(ess), Doña Lilion
species: Human
gender: Female
birthday: December 29th
role: High Priestess, Doña of Cantaruña
home: Laofrine - Roanne (Former), Khane City - Khane (Former), Monarca - Cantaruña
abilities: Healing, Purify, Holy Fire, Protection Magic, Elemental Magic (Specializes in Light/Holy)
weapons: Staff (Lion's Mane), Whip

Born in the small city, Laofrine in Roanne, she had dreams of being a ballerina like her mother, Soliel. Though she had chosen to take up priesthood after her mother's accident as it was a priest who made her mother able to keep her leg. Around the age of sixteen, she moved to the Church of Desita in Khane City, Khane to become a priestess of the church.At some point, she was sent out on a mission for the church that was set outside of Khane and came across Monarca during the end of their disease outbreak on her way back. She had convinced her guards to help and after doing such, she chose to stay when she realized how attached she grew to the town and it's people. Of course, this caused her to break her vows as a priestess of Khane, but she didn't care, especially as she sent a letter with the staff and vestments back to Khane.She's a kind-hearted woman who tries as much as she can to help others. She is well loved within the village since her arrival. It didn't take long for her to have an entirely new wardrobe as she despised the stuffy dress when she was a priestess of Khane City. She was even granted a new staff by Pops, which was titled, "Lion's Mane".She has always walked on the path of the divine in her past, but knew that it could bring more harm than good at times. Seeing the harm that it can bring was her reason for her travels outside of Khane City and Monarca became a home for her as she saw the values the village held. Though she has officially unaffiliated herself with the church within Khane City, she has been faced with scrutiny since settling in Monarca, especially as she had given up her staff and vestments. She is short in words whenever she comes across the holy folk of Khane City, and makes up excuses with ease to leave the conversation, usually involving someone from Monarca's parish needing help to organize an event.One thing that hasn't left her, is her trust of faith. Despite it being the reason why she left Khane City and it's church, she still keeps her own faith. She believes that it was her faith that brought her to Monarca and even brought her Antonio, a boy that she considers her son.Olivette has made fast friends with Pops and Soda, and joins in the teasing at times, though she usually ends up scolding Pops when she believes that he's being too much.She mainly lives in the abbey that lies around the cathedral, but does have a home inside Monarca's city walls and her own room in the 'castle' of Monarca. She is usually the first to wake and tries to plan outings for her and Antonio to visit Monarca.Though ever since she started caring for Antonio, she had stepped back from most of her usual tasks as High Priestess, letting her clergy take lead and turned her main focus on her role of Doña of Cantaruña and being a mother.On the council, she represents the church, or better referred as the faith, and on occasion the health of Monarca City and Cantaruña when Dr. Raik is unable to join.

❥ She lets the kids call her 'Miss Olive', but dislikes it when others call her that
❥ Her golden jewelry come from her parents, Soliel and Antoine. And the two white 'hair strands' are made of silk and are not always on her
❥ She takes care of Antonio Seda and lovingly refers to him as her son
❥ When asked about what would happen if she were to meet the villagers of Pinefell, she just gave a smile and a "I'd bless them, clearly."
❥ She considers Duchess Hélène Darche & Dr. Raik as two of her closest friends outside of Halcón and Jacinto. And they are one of the only few to call Olivette, Doña Olivette
❥ SPOLIERS FOR BEGINNING OF STORY Aidan (4/M) & Nadia(4/F) are her adoptive children

Antonio Seda Lilion

aliases: Toni, Nio, Cub, Little Lion, Young Don/Lion, Young Sir, Young Master
species: Human
gender: Male
birthday: March 18th
role: Summoned Reaper
home: Pinefell Village - Khane (Former), Monarca - Cantaruña
abilities: Enhanced Speed/Agility/Vison/Hearing, Elemental Magic (Specializes in Light/Holy/Lightning), Illusion Creation, Reaping Prowess, Healing, Lily Flower manipulation/creation
scythe: Slingshot
weapons: Whip, throwing knives, Divine Twine, Firearms

Antonio is a cautious, polite, cheerful, a bit naive, yet rather mature boy. Before coming to Monarca, he used to live in Pinefell Village, a home where he never left. It was a simple village that rarely had anyone other than humans reside and visit in.When he turned thirteen, his village has decided to sacrifice him because of some false prophets words. He spent his time trapped in his villages church's basement until he escaped and took off running. Unfortunately, he was captured and dragged to where he was to be sacrificed at. Tied to a post in front of some cave, his neck was sliced - By his own father. Teyauh and a few other reapers witnessed this, but chose to focus on Antonio when he revived as a reaper before starting punishment on Pinefell. As of currently, he doesn't know truly happened and thinks that Teyauh and the other reapers just found him.Teyauh took him around Aternis first to see if anyone would take him in before going to his now mother, Olivette Lilion, in Monarca, seeing as his village was no longer safe for him. Antonio has since looked up to them and the other reapers. When it was revealed that he was more intuned to the reapers of the Hortus guild, Teyauh had offered to help hone his abilities as a reaper. Though while he does struggle with some aspects of being a reaper, such as summoning his scythe, and his calvera, he still finds it amazing and always wishes to join Teyauh and the other reapers when they leave Monarca for a job. Though there are times where he feels as if he is lacking and they're leaving him behind.Now, he's currently living in Monarca's abbey with Olivette, who has gladly taken him in. He has since learned that he has an affinity for magic, which he gladly willing to learn more on. While he prioritizes the same magic that Olivette specializes in; holy and light, he is becoming well-versed in other elements as it interests him greatly. With his holy fire, he can summon wings to glide in the air. Though unfortunately, as he is still learning to master it, he gets tired rather easily if he does too much in a small amount of time. He also stared to learn healing and lightning magic, which he had learned on his own that his lightning magic appears from the scars on his arm unlike his other elements that he can control where they stem from.He takes on a role of an older brother to the many children that stay within the abbey and it sometimes seen helping them with their schoolwork. Though sometimes it seems that he's always out doing some training in secret when he should be doing lessons or during the night.As he is to take Olivette's or Teyauh's chair on the council in the future, he is treated with a bit more respect than the average teenager and is expected to be more mature. He is sometimes referred as the "The Young Lion of Cantaruña" and more simply "Young Lion" more than "Young Don". Though he does despise it when he has to have an escort of guards at times.He likes to spend his time studying and doing small jobs and despite getting an allowance from Olivette, he chooses to save that and use his own earned money instead for his things. Another one of his favorite things is to play music, which is one of his favorite classes. He also finds that dance helps him with his combat training, though he still isn't fond of melee combat.His earrings were ones that he bought himself. Or at least did, until Olivette learned that he spent his entire allowance to buy replicas of her own earrings. This was around the same time he called her 'Mom' for the first time (And no, it did not stop him from getting grounded) and was given some of her own jewelry. He also usually carries small toys and candies in his pockets to share with the kids as a habit that he picked up from the reapers when he would train with them. Sometimes, he is seen with a book in his hands, reading whenever he can.

❥ Is absolutely terrible with swords and with close range in general
❥ Has scars on his neck from his renovamen and some some healing others, though these ones are on his arm
❥ Has two taurlines named Rubis and Emeraude
❥ It's been two years since his arrival to Monarca
❥ Two of his best friends are Cillian Tash, the son of Dr. Kalila, and Briony Reyfir, the daughter of glassblowers.
❥ His favorite instrument is a harp. He likes to play it for Olivette's mom while she plays her violin.
❥ Plans to get a tattoo of a lion lily, though not too sure where to get it
❥ SPOLIERS FOR BEGINNING OF STORY Aidan (4/M) & Nadia(4/F) are his adoptive siblings

Kalila Raik Tash

aliases: Dr. Raik, Doña Tash/Raik
species: Taurfolk - Musk Deer
gender: Female
birthday: September 1st
role: Nomadic Healer (Former), Doctor, Doña of Cantaruña
home: Unknown Village & Country - Belsir (Former), Monarca - Cantaruña
abilities: Medical Knowledge
weapons: Needles

Being raised in a village outside of Tirosa, she followed the footsteps of her grandmother and studied medicine.Kalila is sweet and caring in nature and sociable to a fault. She has a tendency to over-explain her diagnoses and the medicine require which leads to many being more confused than anything. Though outside of caring for a patient, she is very clumsy.She gets excited over some injuries, but does try to hold it in as she it aware that it's not too appropriate to show. Though when she is treating someone, she holds no mercy if they try to reject or do things when they should be resting.Deciding to completely follow the steps of her grandmother, she became a nomadic healer.That was what led her to meet her now husband, Lysander Tash, a knight from Sauveil City in Leódad. She was helping the knights when they were on patrol and they were married a year after.At some point, her and Lysander had decided moved to Monarca in Cantaruña, five years after her eldest son, who apart from tusks, took after his father in appearance, Cillian, was born. They both have heard impressive things about the ever-growing city. She became the medical chief while her husband became a guard general and one of Jacinto's most trusted generals. She proceeded to have three more children over the course of the years; Ramzi and Adil, twin boys who take after her in appearance, and her now youngest, Laila, who took after her father.Of course, she is rather used to the cold of the mountains she used to live in before all and is usually seen out at night enjoying the chill of the air. She absolutely hates too much heat, but tries hard to not complain. And due to her job, she wears her hair up or braided. And she prefers to wear simple tunics that could be easily taken off or easily replaced in times of need, though does change into more noble-like wear when needed, such as meetings with the council or in the company of other nobles.She is usually seen in the hospital, and sometimes with her daughter being carried in a sling as she works. Though she will always try to spend time on her breaks to visit her husband and join him on lunch with her children.She and her family live in the west villa of Monarca.She was slightly disappointed when Cillian had chosen to take Jacinto's seat instead of hers, but was immensely proud of him as well. Since then, she had encouraged his training, but makes sure he is still well-versed in medical needs.On the council, she represents the health of Monarca City and Cantaruña.

❥ Uses her maiden name instead of surname after Doctor at her husband's encouragement, but her surname is hyphenated between Raik and Tash after Doña
❥ Her husband, Lysander Tash, stated he was terrible with names so she named all of their children
❥ Her eldest son, Cillian, helps her out in the hospital
❥ She teases her husband often by offering his lunch to his guards when he just ever so slightly annoys her

Veneno Nash

aliases: Tai, Reaper Taipan, Ven, Ash, Eno
species: Híbridana (Snake - Inland Taipan)
gender: Male
birthday: November 15th
role: Summoned Reaper
home: Unknown
abilities: Shapeshifting, Venom manipulation, Reaping Prowess, Camouflage, Blood Manipulation, Ash Manipulation
scythe: Polearm Currently unable to summon
weapons: Polearm, daggers,

Veneno Nash is a rather brash and reckless snake híbridana. He prefers to act first rather than ask questions. It was common to find him fighting others, especially born reapers, constantly. He despises anyone that finds him inferior to them and will go to great lengths to prove them wrong.His first death revolved around a betrayal of a friend and he shortly became a summoned reaper afterwards. He easily picked up on how to be a reaper and despite others views on summoned reapers, he strived to prove himself. Granted that would turn on him when he took it too far.There was another reaper, a born reaper, that he was close with, but now, he finds them to be an annoyance in his goals.He is extremely skilled with his abilities and is well-versed in using under-handed tactics to win. It's common for him to nick his opponent with a weapon covered in his venom to get an upper-hand.He lies within a prison in Aternis-Infra. No one knows who sent him into it, but he doesn't seem to be too bothered by it since his first few years in it. In fact, he just seems to be biding his time. "A deal from a reaper, is a deal from death."But, he was locked away without his scythe as he was honest in never having it at the time of his arrest.As for his calvera, it's unsure as to what happened to it as it hasn't been seen since days before his imprisonment.

❥ Refuses to talk about his first death despite learning about it
❥ Has an idea of where his scythe may be

Other Named Characters

❥ Royce Brewer - Human, (Born) Reaper (Insectum Guild), Melwhite Reaper, Scythe; Dual Sickle Knives, raised by Orcs, Despite being raised by orcs... He is dim when it comes to courtship
❥ Mauhul Drandar- Orc, Soon-To-Be Chief of the Ebon Valor Tribe, Still trying to court Royce
❥ Lysander Tash - Taurfolk (Horse - Shire), Kalila's husband, Guard Captain
❥ Cillian - Taurfolk (Horse - Shire), Kalila's and Lysander's eldest son
❥ Ramzi & Adil - Taurfolk (Musk Deer), Twins, M/M, Kalila's and 6 y/o Lysander's middle sons
❥ Laila - Taurfolk (Horse - Shire), Kalila's and Lysander's youngest daughter
❥SPOLIERS FOR BEGINNING OF STORY Aidan & Nadia - Beastfolk (Lion), 4 y/o Twins, M/F, Olivette's adopted children
❥ Briony Reyfir - Elf, F, parents are glassblowers


Below are charts of characters relationships. Some include minor characters.



These come from the pages of a book titled, "Cautions of Reapers" by an unknown author who has been given the name, Dr. Moors.

Note: I should have never started this research... I wouldn't have met him.Shame it was too late for him...

This image seems to be a common mark of a reaper. It's usually engraved into their respective scythes, though not always.Could very well be a warning symbol when drawn in fresh blood...He's not wrong about that.

"The first records of a reaper would be from any surviving archives of ancient cities. Helping with sacrificial and funeral ceremonies. They were even considered Deidads and some even Gods. They were well feared.Reapers are beings of any race that walk the line between life and death. They can either be born or 'summoned'. 'Summoned' reapers become reapers shortly after their first death, this includes dying at birth, or some even go through a fatal ritual. Some summoned reapers have some sort of a connection to a God or a Deidad, but not always. Sometimes they are tied to one with a mortal life, effectively chained.In terms of a hierarchy, reapers aren't really added to such things. While they can be respected, they are also well feared and many tend to be aggressive towards them called him 'Death Bringers/Callers'.Born reapers are generally from Aternis, though ones from Aternis-Infra are not as well 'respected'. Born reapers are generally stronger than summoned, and some hold an elitist view, seeing summoned reapers inferior to them. Why is he so well respected when he's a summoned? It's fear. Pure fear.They are normally seen with cloaks and some type of skull mask - mostly representing their guild or title. I'll describe their guilds further later. The mask is just a simple thing to hide their face entirely or parts of their face, it's not really a mandatory item for a reaper. Both the mask and cloak can be summoned with ease. You know... I never seen his mask before. I don't want to be recognized easily yet...Their typical work revolves around death and spirits, but they also work around life, curses, I wonder why he holds his head when he speaks with spirits. I always get headaches around the spirits, wars, and deals. Being ones that walk between life and death, they are essentially immortal, but not indestructible. They are difficult to kill, though some mortals have noted that their scythes are connected to them deeply and may very well be a part of a way to permanently kill a reaper or at the least heavily weaken one as they are at their strongest with it. I do believe that there is a way to prevent a reaper from summoning their scythe, thus preventing them from fighting at their strongest. I hid his scythe away with some help. Where the fuck is it!?Currently, there are specific poisons and weapons that can cause permanent damage or death to a reaper. And some of these only affect reapers, such as a mushroom by the name of "Ash-Rot Puffball", which the spores can severely weaken a reaper. He just threw it at another reaper... I cannot unsee what he had done to them afterwards... How does he think I get my money? Selling ethically produced blood wine?!Some have wondered what happens if a reaper is torn apart or dismembered. Such as how do they reform? In all stories of born reapers, most tales tell that a reapers heart is quite important, it's what ties them to mortals in a way. As long as there are pieces of their heart, they can reform around it. Rumors, perhaps? I haven't see it in-person. It's damn painful.It's common to see a reaper with markings, though those are painted on with a single color of the reapers choice. Most of the time, it's to signal what guild they are with, though in a abstract form of way. An example being that a reaper from the ornamentum guild may have a abstract design that looks like a ring around their arm or leg or one from the creatura may have the footsteps or fur patterns instead.Reapers are still referred to as the Jesters and/or Bards of Death, which if anyone were to deeply look into their history would learn that reapers took the job as a jester or bard more often than not as it gave them the most access to mortal beings of poor and wealth. Possibly assassins now? Assassins, mercenaries, you name it.No one knows where their specific orders come from.A reaper's first death, regardless if born or summoned, is what they refer to as 'renovamen'. They lose all memories of how they died and large chunks of their life before. It's a nightmare to be a reaper. Though at times reapers can remember, but suffer trying to do so. And every 'death' afterward, they can lose memories, even complete memories of a person. Sometimes this is cause for them to change their form entirely, being not familiar with their current form. It pains them to try to remember and some have given up on trying to remember. There's a surge of emotions that occurs when the memories return, especially ones from their renovamen. It can be quite damaging to their psyche. Too much of a risk.After each 'death', it's common to see scars of how a reaper died. Sometimes they look rather decorative, such as a burn scar may spiral around a leg instead of covering it.I've seen a lot with scars on their neck.Obviously summoned reapers gain their abilities upon their renovamen, but born reapers may gain extra abilities upon theirs, though this tends to cause them to be more unstable than most. It appears that their death, cause or what was around them, may be linked to their powers such as fire related powers stemming from a fire related death. Though this is not always the case, sometimes it's opposite. I met a reaper who learned that they were burned alive in an accidental fire, but they had abilities akin to water... Then they drowned their 'husband' who actually wasn't their husband.In terms of seeing the dead, sometimes reapers do no recognize the spirits of loved ones or just don't see/hear them at all. It's unsure why, but some have reported to just seem odd voiceless shadows.Reapers have been known to watch and sometimes take over limbos that are within what they call, The Endless, they are referred to as 'Keepers' instead and don't typically roam the mortal realm. These limbos aren't truly limbos, but more of a prison for ones soul. And some got into the role of 'Chronicler' as they are the ones that watch the archives of all deaths and past lives of beings. It's uncommon to come across a keeper or chronicler outside of Aternis. Annoying fools...There is a tree, Grimsoul Árbol, that grows between Supra and Infra of Aternis. It's roots are all over Aternis and some are being used at portals to Acian. Sources state that reapers, both born and summoned, give some of their blood to this tree in Aternis. As some of respect and others state it's to protect their strength. One says it's to decide their guild, though not many seem to agree to that. This tree is beautiful... Yet so haunting as it drips blood from it's leaves. and roots. Apparently the blood is purified and that they often drink it. Tastes just as good as hundred-year wine.It's interesting to learn that a majority reapers do drink blood, even ones that are human, though it seems that in the past it was a way to keep from leaning too far into one side of life or death, but now it seems to be more recreational than anything.Reapers are essentially immortal, looking as if they never aged, especially those that were summoned. This is through a special potion that only affects reapers. They only need to take it once a week, and if they stop, the natural aging process will start up around a month after, albeit rather slowly. I have yet to find what goes into this potion or who makes them. If I remember right, there's a child's tale about it told to reaper children.That makes it possible for a reaper to live multiple 'lives' within one lifetime by merely changing their form. A better way would be to consider the transformation as a similar process to how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. Does he still look the same? Does this idiot really think I have changed forms?I believe that in today's time, most reapers keep themselves secret, especially born ones. It could be because those of high power and wealth would keep a reaper captive to escape death and such. Though seeing how some just casually announce themselves, it may be unfounded.An assassin came to my room at the inn... A reaper. They had an order for my death. I warned this bastard."

Reaping Prowess

"I wasn't too sure what to call this as all reapers have these abilities, but these ones are more specific to them in a broad sense. So I have decided to refer to them with a broad term, Reaping Prowess. Us reapers don't have a word for it. So this fits, I suppose.Reapers can manipulate shadows and souls, much like how magic users can manipulate elements and their own energy. Though each have their own way of using them, from purely offensive or even defensively. Strike hard, strike fast. Souls tend to slip.Reapers all have the ability to shapeshift and/or mimic sounds, but some are better than others as it's common to find a reaper who cannot mimic sounds or shapeshift, or even mess up major details of a shapeshift. They can shapeshift with ease as they are generally masters of disguise, I saw a copy of myself just in town... Spewing lies. Had to leave town. He's too easy to manipulate., which I suppose fits with their previous names being Jesters and Bards of Death. Alongside this shapeshifting, they can have other forms that they can directly take without much energy loss. Generally, it's a land, water, or air form, but they can have a giant or tiny form. He's huge as a naga... It's a fun form. Though the bigger the form compared to their original height, the more energy it takes and the smaller the form compared to their original height makes them far more weaker, especially if they were not originally that form.They can communicate and interact with the dead with ease and sometimes can give the dead a way to interact with the living plane. Though sometimes they are unable to control when and where they can see the dead. It's rare to come across a reaper who can always see the dead and rare to come across one that can't. I wonder if I can ask if my grandfather approves of this research... Good that you cannot hear his cries of warnings. Even going as far as resurrections, though this usually comes at the cost of greatly weakening a reaper for what may be days or weeks afterward.Each reaper has a unique way of creating a portal to Aternis. Though some can hold the portal open longer than others. And few struggle to even open their portal.Soul's Envelopment is another unique agility that all reapers have. This is when a reaper envelopes themselves by using the souls of the dead, mostly ones surrounding them. It comes across as solid black smoke-like figure with glowing eyes. Since reapers are normally stronger than the average being, it's not too common to see a reaper use it. Reapers cannot hold this ability for long, so they tend to use it in bursts, such as another way to warp around or armor. Though in this form, they are rather limited in terms of ability as in they cannot use anything other than shadows and soul energy.Along with these basic abilities, each reaper has their own unique outburst of energy that they can release. These usually happen in times of extreme emotions or dire need. This truly weakens a reaper and perhaps maybe causes permanent death to the reaper. I should have never mentioned his renovamen. This bastard keeps asking too many questions."


"A scythe to a reaper is a thread to a needle. They could be a classic scythe or sickle, but the word itself for reapers is more of a title.Reapers are known for only having one scythe that is directly connected to them. They don't get to pick what it is or looks like. Sometimes it may evolve with the reaper, and other times devolve. It could be summoned at any point, but many born reapers learn to fully summon theirs by the age of five while summoned reapers can get it after a few weeks. First try for me. Though I did almost stab my foot with it.They can use other weapons as a scythe as long as they can send their own soul through it, it can temporarily become a mockery of a scythe, but it will not be as strong as their original scythe. I hidden his scythe away. He cannot even summon it. It might affect the mental state. How can I tell get you to tell me where!?More common forms of a reaper's scythe would be bladed weapons, but some have been seen using ranged weapons such as a bow and arrow, or a mace. Though I am quite sure that I have seen one use a book. Now that was an odd sight. And reapers already use a book to keep track of deaths and lives. Perhaps it was a spell book, as reapers do mostly excel in many forms of magic.He keeps using his camouflage against me. Not my fault you squeak like a mouse caught in my grip...

The Veil

The Veil can only be described as a space between the realm of the dead and realm of the living. Though it's far different from Aternis and other underworld-like depictions.Reapers can travel within the veil, but cannot interact with the living realm, despite being able to see the living realm. It's more common for them to use it to sneak around, but unless they are in a pure state of emotion, they can only affect things that are within the veil.Though in order to enter the veil, the reaper needs to have at least half their focus on entering. And their limbs all need to be available to enter, meaning if they are chained or tied up, even by just a wrist or ankle, they cannot enter the veil.Sometimes spirits are able to be seen walking within the veil, but they can only be interreacted with a reaper if a reaper initiates first. Though it's more common for spirits to merely just pass through the veil as if it was just simply a door for them.It's assumed that there are hidden spaces in the veil that reapers can store their masks, cloaks, companions, and scythes in. This is considered a shadow veil and each reaper has their own, though much like many things about reapers, some have issues with accessing it.


Calvera's are a skeletal spirit that's essentially a manifestation of a reapers soul. Much like a scythe, if damaged enough, it can harm a reaper greatly and if destroyed, it can either send the reaper into a coma or kill the reaper.Reapers can summon it to help them fight, but many don't as it's a risk.The most common look for a calvera is a basic skeletal torso and head. Though it's also just as common for titled reapers to have their calveras decorated with jewelry, carvings, or plants.It can be considered a sign that a reaper may earn a titled through small details growing on their calvera.


"Though reapers tend to be more solitary in their travels, it seems that they are apart of guilds. And while they can have other alliances, they seem to stick to their 'guildmates'.No one seems to know where and when the guilds appeared from. And no one knows how reapers end up in these guilds, just seems that they have a connection. Linked to the tree maybe? It's a feeling, you idiot.It seems that if a reaper gains a title, it comes from some unknown source related to a guild, sometimes causing them to switch guilds. Reapers can share a title, but it's more common for a variation or nickname of the title instead. I've only know him as Reaper, never by his title or name. He seems content with it. I don't care much for it.Their titles are rather basic with the word relating to their respective guild followed by Reaper, such as Rose Reaper, or Reaper then their title, such as Reaper Rose. Sometimes it's interchangeable. But they typically prefer one over the other.A reaper's mask may identify what guild their apart of or their title, such as a reaper from the Hortus guild may have a skull mask with vines wrapping around it. Though sometimes that's not the case. As stated before, the mask has no real attachment to a reaper other than being an identifier.There are a total of five main guilds, but there may be more.Hortus - Titles are after plants. He speaks fondly of a reaper from this guild... Though it seems more obsessive. They may wear dark, but their eyes still shine like gold.Creatura - Titles are after animals. The guild he is in. Huh. I despise how they bunch themselves together. Not all of us are a social bunch.Insectum - Titles are after insects. Always so weak.Ornamentum - Titles are after gems and ores. Spend less looking into mirrors, you fools.Stellae - Titles are after stars and constellations. It's more common for reapers to hold the same title within this guild. These ones are tolerable.Titled Reapers from a guild tend to have some form of their title on them or on their scythe. Most common forms would be a tattoo, but I have personally seen some from the Hortus guild wear crowns of their plant.There seems to be some other main guild, that mainly titled reapers seem to be in... From what I have heard, it's called 'The Grim-Watchers'." Ah... I am one of them. Well... Was.


"A reapers ledger is their most important tool. As it helps them track the lives and deaths of mortal beings.They come in the form of books or scrolls that the reaper can summon at will, much like their scythes. These writing in the ledgers never lie, but if questioned in a specific way, they can exaggerate or omit parts of a truth. Though the words become blurry or unreadable to a reaper if they ask about their own deaths or the death of another reaper. Damn ledgers can't even tell us our previous deaths, even if we remember.If the being is still living, the death can change. An example being a man who asked a reaper how he would die and as the reaper was telling him, it had changed from a simple illness years down the line to a brutal death within the next week. How often has mine changed? Oh, quite often.Reapers have a habit of teasing people terribly with descriptions of their death. Though due to this, some reapers have been kept captive to help keep their captors away from death's door."


"Some reapers are known to have creature companions. These creatures can be summoned, but they mostly just generally seem to have a mind of their own. In all honesty, I am not too sure how these companions know where their reaper is, but they are trusting of their reaper.They are seen helping the reaper with their tasks.Their abilities vary, but the most common one is basic shapeshifting, such as a large wild cat to a small house cat with a similar pattern. His becomes jewelry? I can spread the venom quite fast this way.I think I'm being followed. They aren't giving up."


"It's been said that reapers have been known to participate in wars.Oddly enough, it's not to just reap the dead, but kill the living. It appears that they follow the orders of some unknown source. When reapers participate in war as such, there is far more bloodshed, as if they are trying to use the war as a form of sacrifice. Some have been selected to lead an army at times.There has been a report of a general that was in fact a reaper. Though this war was very much short lived. And rumors had it that they were on the losing side.He seems to fondly speak upon that general... Does he know them personally? I was their right-hand."

The First Reaper

"There is a tale told to young born reapers about the first reaper, Grim. It tells of how they were the one to create Aternis.Though not much is told apart from that."I wonder if I can get some Chroniclers to tell me. There was no 'first' reaper, but the first few, The Grim. The strongest of all reapers. We are thirteen. And we are in an endless dance from beginnings to endings.

Music PLaylists

These were just created for fun.


Written Memories

a conversation over soup
Characters Included: Halcón "Pops" REDACTED Alejo, Jacinto "Soda", Teyauh REDACTED Ruña
Characters Included: Olivette Lilion & Antonio Seda Lilion
the priestess arrives
Characters Included: Olivette Lilion, Halcón "Pops" REDACTED Alejo, Jacinto "Soda", Teyauh REDACTED Ruña

About the creator